Friday, 27 February 2015

Advert Proposal

Proposal for advert

Name-Nathan Hurst

Date-27 February 2015

Format and Medium- TV Advert

Sector- The advert will be used to sell try and sell my product ‘Avalanche chewing gum’ and promote the product to my intended target audience.

 Working Title- Avalanche Chewing gum


Intended audience and age-The intended age for my advert is 13+ as a wide variety of people do or have eaten chewing gum before, The product is also universal as people eat chewing gum on a daily bases no matter how old they are as it appeals to most people. My intended audience is everyone; male and female, young and old, due to chewing not appealing to one specific group buy everyone. Also because of the content of my advert the audience would be people who want to meet people but possibly think they have bad breath.

Summary of content - The beginning of the advert is a man sat on a bench with a shot from the side of him, which then turns to a long shot of the bench which will show him sat there feeding the birds and then a women comes and sits at the opposite side of the bench. He then does a double look at her and then slides closer to her with his hand on the back of the bench, He then goes to talk to her which she then moves her head back in disgust because of the smell of his breathe, the guy then moves back to the other side of the bench then smells his own breathe and wonders what to do, a hand then comes from the side of the shot holding a pack of chewing gums. He then grabs the packet and eats a chewing gum then turns to a close up of the side of his face which he then turns his head to the camera and has a huge grin on his face.

Summary of style- The style of my advert will be comedic and quirky due to the acting being somewhat over the top such as a hand appearing out of nowhere giving the male character a pack of chewing gum. I also want the advert to be funny, as it will entice audiences in to buy the product due to the advert being funny and over the top, it will also make audiences remember the product.

Legal and ethical considerations- I will use no offensive terms to offend people of different ethnicity etc.     

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