The advert i will be analysing is a Kitkat advert. The advert is trying to sell the Kitkat brand to the marketed audience. The form of this advert is a anti-realist structure due to the advert having a car chase where the police are casually talking to the criminals which gives it a comedic aspect to the advert.
The form of this advert is dramatic during the beginning then towards the end becomes humorous, The beginning of the advert has a car chase between a couple of criminals and the police which would attract an audience to watch the advert as it is face paced and will leave the viewer wondering what this advert is for then at the end of the advert it becomes humorous as both the criminals and the police have a funny conversation and share a Kitkat together. This will then let the audience know what product they are trying to sell and will the viewers remember the advert and the product due to the style and genre of the advert.
The advert has several codes and conventions the first being the cinematography. The advert is filmed as a high budget film due to the chase at the beginning looking as they use camera rigs to film some of the sequence and the use of fast editing and sound to make the advert look stylistic to attract viewers. The iconography used in this advert is the police and criminals uniform due to the type of theme this advert is which is a type of police drama as there is a police chase at the beginning. Graphics are used towards the end of the advert which is the slogan 'Have a break, have a kitkat' which audiences associate with KitKat and will remember when they are wondering which product to buy, it is also catchy so that audiences remember it.
The advert also has celebrity endorsement by having Vas Blackwood appear as a police officer in the advert, The celebrity has appeared in many British crime films playing a criminal, so having him play a police officer will make audiences remember the advert due to it being ironic and humorous. Audiences will also want to go and buy a Kitkat due to them associating the advert with the celebrity actor.
The brand is also associated with the breaking of the chocolate in half and sharing with others which this advert emphasis and focuses on as two opposite sides of the law come together and share a Kitkat therefore showing viewers that Kitkats bring people who are different together. The advert also shows people that they should eat a Kitkat during their break as the slogan says because it makes people believe they should relax and deserve a break and just eat a Kitkat over other brands of chocolate bars.
The Unique selling point to this advert is that Kitkats can be shared between people as they can be broken up into several bars of chocolate which would appeal to a lot of viewers who watch this advert and is unique to this brand of chocolate bar.