Thursday, 22 January 2015

TV advert analysis: Marks and Spencers

The advert i will be analysing is a 'Marks and Spencer Food' advert which is trying show the quality of food they do in such as the ingredients to a chicken curry shown in this advert. The form of this advert is a realist narrative and a series due to the advert showing the food they sell and what goes in to making them, It is also a series because Marks and Spencer do several adverts in this format as they show the food that creates a certain recipe. The style of the advert is surreal due to the advert showing the food as art by using sped up footage of the food and colorful bright imagery of the food to make it look more appealing to audiences and make them want to go out and buy the food.

The codes and conventions used in this advert is they used close ups of the different types of food which put emphasis on how the food looks and would make the audience want to eat the food due to it possibly looking so good that it makes the audience hungry. The advert also has a lot of fast editing so that the shots of the food change nearly instantly to a different food so that the audience get a glimpse of all the different types of food to intise them in to get the food and eat it. The advert has music playing whilst the food is shown on screen to make the advert more entertaining and not just be visually appealing but makes people associate the up beat happy music with the food shown and make the food more interested and appealing to them. The music is also a melody from a well known pop song which is relevant among most people today due to it being in the charts and lots of people knowing what the song is, so when people hear that song anywhere they will automatically remember this advert. Other sounds that are used in this advert are the cutting of vegetables and water dripping onto the leaves, These diegetic sounds will make the food appealing as people may associate these sounds with good quality food and cooking as people may want to do. Graphics are also used in this advert such as the text which shows up on the screen which says 'Healthy chicken Keralan curry', This is used to tell the audience what is being advertised and that it is healthy which people are becoming more conscious about today so knowing that the food is healthy makes them want to go and buy it without it being unhealthy which is also a benefit for the audience. Towards the end there is also the M&S brand logo shown at the end to let audiences know where to buy this product.

The adverts unique selling point is that the advert shows the ingredients and shows how fresh and good quality they are which would appeal to the majority of people watching this advert it also says that the recipe is  healthy so people who are trying to eat healthy can enjoy this as well as everyone else, also
curry's are known to be unhealthy so to have one that is not will appeal to many people.

TV advert analysis: Kitkat

The advert i will be analysing is a Kitkat advert. The advert is trying to sell the Kitkat brand to the marketed audience. The form of this advert is a anti-realist structure due to the advert having a car chase where the police are casually talking to the criminals which gives it a comedic aspect to the advert.

The form of this advert is dramatic during the beginning then towards the end becomes humorous, The beginning of the advert has a car chase between a couple of criminals and the police which would attract an audience to watch the advert as it is face paced and will leave the viewer wondering what this advert is for then at the end of the advert it becomes humorous as both the criminals and the police have a funny conversation and share a Kitkat together. This will then let the audience know what product they are trying to sell and will the viewers remember the advert and the product due to the style and genre of the advert.

The advert has several codes and conventions the first being the cinematography. The advert is filmed as a high budget film due to the chase at the beginning looking as they use camera rigs to film some of the sequence and the use of fast editing and sound to make the advert look stylistic to attract viewers. The iconography used in this advert is the police and criminals uniform due to the type of theme this advert is which is a type of police drama as there is a police chase at the beginning. Graphics are used towards the end of the advert which is the slogan 'Have a break, have a kitkat' which audiences associate with KitKat and will remember when they are wondering which product to buy, it is also catchy so that audiences remember it.

The advert also has celebrity endorsement by having Vas Blackwood appear as a police officer in the advert, The celebrity has appeared in many British  crime films playing a criminal, so having him play a police officer will make audiences remember the advert due to it being ironic and humorous. Audiences will also want to go and buy a Kitkat due to them associating the advert with the celebrity actor.

The brand is also associated with the breaking of the chocolate in half and sharing with others which this advert emphasis and focuses on as two opposite sides of the law come together and share a Kitkat therefore showing viewers that Kitkats bring people who are different together. The advert also shows people that they should eat a Kitkat during their break as the slogan says because it makes people believe they should relax and deserve a break and just eat a Kitkat over other brands of chocolate bars.

The Unique selling point to this advert is that Kitkats can be shared between people as they can be broken up into several bars of chocolate which would appeal to a lot of viewers who watch this advert and is unique to this brand of chocolate bar.

TV advert analysis: MoneySuperMarket

The advert i will be analysing is MoneySuperMarket, This advert is trying to sell audiences car insurance. The form of this advert is a anti-realist advert due to the advert including unrealistic aspects such as the man driving an invisible car. The style of this advert is humorous as it tries to use comedy instead of being boring due to car insurance being a boring subject to audiences. An example of humor in this advert is from the beginning we see a white nerdy looking man driving and invisible car looking like he has become a gangster, and snoop dogs voice over says that he feels epic trying to make the audience want to feel like this man by saving money on their car insurance.

The codes and conventions used in this advert are special effects to make it look as though the man is sat in an invisible car which we see constantly throughout the advert to hook audiences into watching the advert and appeal to those who need car insurance, also towards the end we see the use of graphics which is the 'MoneySuperMarket' brand logo to make it noticeable to audience what the advert is trying to sell, next to this we see snoop dogs face which people will associate the brand with as his face is shown next to the logo. The Iconography shown within this advert are cars due to the advert trying to sell car insurance, The style is also humorous so the characterizations of the people in this advert is over the top such as the man in the invisible car and the people dancing, this is used to try and make the advert funny. There is also a tagline that is said in all of these adverts which is 'Your so money super market' This is used so that audiences remember the brand and associate it with MoneySuoerMarket. A recurring theme throughout these adverts is the main character that we focus on always says they feel epic which would make audiences want to feel the same as these characters  when getting car insurance but also so that they associate and recognize the brand. The music used in this advert is upbeat and catchy so that audiences remember it and there is also facts about the brand that appear at the bottom of the screen to try and get people to use this and give them an idea of how successful and great  the company is. The facts shown are how much customers have saved on their car insurance which will show new customers how much they could save.

Throughout the advert we see Snoop dog which is celebrity endorsement to try and entice people into using MoneySuperMarket to get car insurance due to audiences associating a celebrity with this company, so that when they see snoop dog they would remember that he was in this ad. Celebrity endorsement also makes the advert stand out over others who do not have a celebrity in them due to people remembering this advert and company more.

TV advert analysis: 4G EE

The advert i am going to analyse is 4G on EE, This advert tries to give audiences a better understanding of 4G and how the 4G service works. The form of this advert is talking heads due to Kevin Bacon walking and talking directly to the camera which would entice audiences in because it is as though a celebrity is talking right at you which could potentially persuade audiences into using the service.

The style of this advert is humorous as Kevin Bacon uses funny quotes, Puns and he interacts with people within the advert to make to advert funny and humorous to appeal to the intended audience so that it is not boring. An example of this in the advert is when the women drops her phone into the pint glass due to her seeing Kevin Bacon. The advert also portrays Kevin Bacon as himself rather than him playing a character because it is unusual to see an american Hollywood actor walking around a normal English town talking about a mobile network which can be seen as humorous by the audience who see the advert.

The codes and conventions within this advert is the constant mid-shot of Kevin Bacon throughout the advert where he is talking about the product due to the form of the advert being 'Talking Heads'. This is used to emphasis the idea that Kevin Bacon is in the advert to try and advertise the product instead of just showing the product they are selling which could make audiences less interested in getting 4G. Also towards the end of the advert there is a long shot of an EE store with text that appears on the screen that says 'Superfast #4GEE and fibre broadband' which tells the audience what the advert was about and gives the brand better advertising as it focuses on EE rather than Kevin Bacon at the end due to the advert showing Kevin Bacon walking away from the camera. This is done so that the audience gets hooked in with Kevin Bacon at the beginning then the brand is focused on at the end to make audiences go and get that brand. The advert also has the melody associated with EE playing in the background to let audiences know what product is being advertised, This is used to make audiences instantly recognize the jingle so they associate it with EE and go and buy the product.

The diegetic sound we hear is Kevin Bacon's voice which is amplified over all the over sounds we hear such as the cars in the background and the other people who are speaking which are just there as background noises. This is so the audience hears what Kevin Bacon is saying which is talking about the product, and so they focus on him rather than being distracted by other noises. The advert uses graphics at the end which is a plain green background with the EE brand logo and a tagline 'The Network for your digital life' which audiences will associate with EE. The graphics are used to make the audiences focus on the brand as the graphics replace the shot of the EE store and Kevin Bacon, It also has the voice of Kevin Bacon reading the tagline which will make the audience associate the brand with the celebrity and possibly make them go and get the brand.

The advert covers the benefits of 4G such as faster streaming when watching films on your phone and the benefits of being connected to everyone without having any problems. The advert also try's to say that it is the fastest and best brand in England. The unique selling proposition is that this is the fastest 4G that you can get and you wouldn't have to worry about it being slow which people will benefit from. The use of the celebrity endorsement in this advert will make it appeal to the audience as they would like to be that person and they will think that if it is good enough for that celebrity then it is good enough for themselves.