Thursday, 22 January 2015

TV advert analysis: 4G EE

The advert i am going to analyse is 4G on EE, This advert tries to give audiences a better understanding of 4G and how the 4G service works. The form of this advert is talking heads due to Kevin Bacon walking and talking directly to the camera which would entice audiences in because it is as though a celebrity is talking right at you which could potentially persuade audiences into using the service.

The style of this advert is humorous as Kevin Bacon uses funny quotes, Puns and he interacts with people within the advert to make to advert funny and humorous to appeal to the intended audience so that it is not boring. An example of this in the advert is when the women drops her phone into the pint glass due to her seeing Kevin Bacon. The advert also portrays Kevin Bacon as himself rather than him playing a character because it is unusual to see an american Hollywood actor walking around a normal English town talking about a mobile network which can be seen as humorous by the audience who see the advert.

The codes and conventions within this advert is the constant mid-shot of Kevin Bacon throughout the advert where he is talking about the product due to the form of the advert being 'Talking Heads'. This is used to emphasis the idea that Kevin Bacon is in the advert to try and advertise the product instead of just showing the product they are selling which could make audiences less interested in getting 4G. Also towards the end of the advert there is a long shot of an EE store with text that appears on the screen that says 'Superfast #4GEE and fibre broadband' which tells the audience what the advert was about and gives the brand better advertising as it focuses on EE rather than Kevin Bacon at the end due to the advert showing Kevin Bacon walking away from the camera. This is done so that the audience gets hooked in with Kevin Bacon at the beginning then the brand is focused on at the end to make audiences go and get that brand. The advert also has the melody associated with EE playing in the background to let audiences know what product is being advertised, This is used to make audiences instantly recognize the jingle so they associate it with EE and go and buy the product.

The diegetic sound we hear is Kevin Bacon's voice which is amplified over all the over sounds we hear such as the cars in the background and the other people who are speaking which are just there as background noises. This is so the audience hears what Kevin Bacon is saying which is talking about the product, and so they focus on him rather than being distracted by other noises. The advert uses graphics at the end which is a plain green background with the EE brand logo and a tagline 'The Network for your digital life' which audiences will associate with EE. The graphics are used to make the audiences focus on the brand as the graphics replace the shot of the EE store and Kevin Bacon, It also has the voice of Kevin Bacon reading the tagline which will make the audience associate the brand with the celebrity and possibly make them go and get the brand.

The advert covers the benefits of 4G such as faster streaming when watching films on your phone and the benefits of being connected to everyone without having any problems. The advert also try's to say that it is the fastest and best brand in England. The unique selling proposition is that this is the fastest 4G that you can get and you wouldn't have to worry about it being slow which people will benefit from. The use of the celebrity endorsement in this advert will make it appeal to the audience as they would like to be that person and they will think that if it is good enough for that celebrity then it is good enough for themselves.

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